All blogs are works of gonzo journalism and should not be regarded as truth; they are but entertainment.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Zak Bagans, Ghost Hunting's Biggest D-Bag

The only REAL ghost hunters...
Everyone knows about the glitz and glamor of Las Vegas; the riches to be had, the clean hookers free of STD's and drug addiction to defile, the copious amounts of easy to get drugs and booze. . . But under the pretty glossy images lie grime and grit, caked blood and dried semen, all belonging to an entire breed of swine amalgamated in the flat lands of the desert. They're as tough on the outside as cacti, some as cold blooded as vile snakes so disgusting they can actually LIVE in such a shit climate, and are above all, willing to do anything for money.  Its a distinction that does not segregate: teachers, nuns, lawyers, doctors, city officials. . . all suffer from the same great Las Vegas poisoning: the Big Dream.  The next convenient spin of the dial, or the wheel, or roll of the die, or turn of the card. . .

Yes: the five dollar all you can eat buffets are contaminated with salmonella and mad cow disease.

Yes: the twenty dollar hooker gobbling on your knob actually has a penis. And herpes.

Yes: there are dark spots in the brightest city on earth (as viewed from a satellite.)  And it is in these pockets of despair that one must be careful, for there are scavengers and swindlers everywhere. . .

Like Zak Bagans, a Michigan man who was attracted to the bright lights and gambling.  He indoctrinated himself in the culture and soon began a swindle of his own.  He started a 'ghost hunting' community called The Ghost Adventures Crew.  It served as his base of operations, from which he would sell 'ghost hunting' equipment to Ghost Adventures Crew members (who of course joined for a fee.)  It was a damn good racket, I mean check this shit:


What does it do?  Well I'm glad you asked. . . Apparently ghosts are said to be made up of electric magnetic fields, and this helpful little thing measures these fields.  Just watch for a jump in the numbers, and you're probably measuring a ghost!  Or the T.V., or electric wiring, or anything really, because electric magnetic fields are everywhere!  They even occur naturally!


Ghosts are said to be able to talk within the white noise, and with digital voice recorders you can actually pick them up if you turn the volume up loud enough. . . Yes, just like in the movie The Sixth Sense.  The problem here comes with noise pollution, and a likeliness for the mind to interpret sounds and through auto-suggestion perceive to hear certain words/phrases where there are NONE.  Fancy doctors call it aphophenia or pareidolia.  Google it.

Then there are all the other tools: the full-spectrum HD camcorder: 150 dollars and up, the laser grid scope: &29.95, the Infrared Camcorder: $44.90, and a whole spectrum of temperature gauges and fancy jigamawhatsits. . . 

And then there are the less conspicuous scam machines, like the unimaginative 'Ghost Meter': $27.95 (not bad for a bit of plastic, a blinking light, and a dead needle), and the illustrious McGuyver of Ghost Huntin', the RT-EVP Spirit Box: $286.95, which simultaneously records and plays back ghost sounds. . . Ooooh fanciful.

The gadgets made the ghost swindling business quite lucrative.  Quite lucrative indeed.  It made Zak a great deal of money, as membership in his Ghost Adventures Crew grew steadily with each succeeding month. Yet as membership grew, his members looked to their leader for more than just equipment: they looked to him for actual ghost adventures, the real raw shit that scares kids and makes grown men scream. . . So he took himself to Travel Channel, and with a bunch of his own money he started up a ghost hunting show.  Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce the always hilarious:  Ghost Adventures:

As you can tell, Zak is a little over dramatic, as apparently everywhere he goes is a "tunnel to," or "an island of," or "the bathroom from" hell.  But hey man, he's just jacked up on roids and hair gel!  He's ghost hunting's bad ass: a juiced up monkey with the arms of a gorilla, the hair of a porcupine, and the brain of a pulsating jellyfish.  He's not scared of any ghost, and isn't afraid to back down; he's got the Affliction shirts to prove it.  If he could, he'd make ghosts tap, bitch.

And why such the hard attitude?  Why the muscles?  Why the air of douchery?

Why genetics of course.

You see Zak was born in Washington and spent a lot of time in Michigan, and was raised by a stout couple who could stand the cold that came in every winter.  They could take the lake freezing over, and the eight inches of snow.  But not Zak.  At the time he was a trifle thing, all sinew and bone, as if crafted small and then stretched out to an above-average height.  He did not seem to have any of the genes his parents possessed, and because of it, he suffered.  The cold shook his bones.  He often got beat up for being such a fucking weirdo.  Even his parents didn't like him much, so in time Zak left Michigan and headed west, not stopping until he found the barren deserts of Barstow, and soon Las Vegas.  There he would start anew, as a different Zak not to be ridiculed or made fun of.

He packed on the muscle.

Got a couple of tats: a Dracula tattoo on the wrist, a generic cross tattoo on the bicep, and a back tattoo so douchey not even Zak likes to show it off.


A bitch in tough guy clothing.

Watch the fuck out ghosts, Zak Bagans is on the hunt. . .  Zak doesn't even need all of those fancy machines to find ghosts, he's got his own special equipment, tuned to pick up even the slightest bit of ghost activity.  Why yes, whenever a ghost is around Zak gets so excited his nether regions become hard, his erection like a natural Geiger counter beeping along when he finds radiation. . .

Watch the fuck out ladies, Zak Bagans is on the hunt, and yes, he will hit on you with that creepy smile of his. Never mind his wife, she's a dumb bitch; I mean, she actually married the guy, right?

The only thing worse than Zak Bagans and The Ghost Adventures Crew is its many fans.  You know the type. . . d-bag dressed in all black, hanging around cemeteries doing grave rubbings and reading Edgar Allen Poe--cause you know-- 'he's so dark duuudde.'  Once you get past the throngs of women who find him irresistibly attractive, you'll find a mixture of ghost freaks and devil worshipers, amateur Wiccans who get all butt hurt when the term witch is used negatively, and the odds and ends of a douchey goth world bordering on the occult. . .  Whatever they may be, they all have one thing in common: a modicum of intelligence.  But don't dare tell them that, for they will defend Zak and his crew to the death, as if in some way, if one were to out them as total phonies and fakes it would in turn be a direct challenge to their beliefs and the fragile state of their mortality.  

Their beliefs?

Well, there are demons, and they can shape shift.  Oh and there are portals everywhere, through which said demons can enter the real world anytime they like.  Demonic possessions are real, though rare.  Ghosts are not only capable of learning, but also know that the world is going on around them, and adjust accordingly (a defense used by a GAC fanboy when an EVP of a supposed ghost from the 18th century used 'modern terms.)  Also wiccans are not horrible witches, and in fact magic is VERY MUCH REAL.  

So naturally, retardation breeds retardation.

Gosh, I love this show.


Ghost hunting is much like trying to prove who in the room farted, the only real way of knowing is if someone comes out and says it, and people are known to lie.  In ghost huntings short history, all of them have been proven to be phonies.  Starting with Charles Fort.  He was said to be America's first ghost hunter, which means he was the first one to hear voices and not blame it on booze or God.  Nah, he said he was hearing 'dead people.'  But then again... Charles Fort also believed in fairies and giants, and UFO's and all kinds of retarded shit, and even wrote all about it in a book called The Book of The Damned.  He's so popular in fact, that today he still has a magazine named after him called The Fortean Times, which covers such similar bullshit, including Big Foot and vampires.


Then of course there was Harry Price, who set the trend for modern ghost hunters today.  He was one the first ones to create his own machines that could supposedly 'detect' ghosts.  The real plus here was that no one knew how the machines worked, except for Harry Price, who knew they didn't work at all... Because he was, in fact, a fucking phony.

Next came the Fox Sisters, who put on bullshit seances where they would supposedly talk to the dead.  They were real popular for awhile, until someone discovered that they weren't talking to ghosts, but instead eavesdropping on potential customers in the parlor before seances, and using any information they let slip out under the guise of it being some dead relative talking to them.  Even better: they were only 10 and 12 when they started this little swindle.

Then of course came our modern wave of ghost hunters:

The TAPS team: started by two plumbers... I shit you not.  Oh and yes, they were totally proven to be phonies too:

Which of course leads us to the Ghost Adventures Crew, who also have had troubles during live shows, and have been outed as phonies as well:

Apparently a ghost pulled it from his hand... But obviously he's throwing it.

Of course fans will always defend them, even with such footage: stating bull like "Its a shame that they have to lose credibility by faking shit to draw more viewers and make more money."

Yeah whatevers.  Ghosts may be real, but all of these ghost huntin' shows, and an any evidence presented on said shows has been proven to be FAKE.  Get over it.

And its for this reason that iR declares Zak Bagans and ghost hunting: shamelessly retarded.

No Zak, isn't really a swindler.  Or at least he doesn't present himself that way.

No, he probably wasn't born all tendons and bones.

No, his parents didn't dislike him.

Yes, ghost hunting is fake.

Yes, I enjoy eating cheese.



  1. Do u think his weiner is huge..that the only fact im interested to know?

  2. You must have NO FUCKING LIFE if you gathered so much information on Zack. You sound like one of Zack's gay EX's and it ended very badly, so you set off to get your revenge from this pointless blog. FAGGOT.

  3. Look, zak is alright. Ok? I've met the guy before. In Seattle, they were walkin around. We arm wrestled... No body won because it was going on too long and neither of our arms were going anywhere and he had to go some place. But don't hate on zak, ok? He's awesome. And I'm his fan, I'm not a girl, I hardly ever wear black, I'm not fat at ALL I'm freaking ripped, and I must be if I survived full on arm wrestling with Zak freaking Bagans. Your a hypocritical, stereotypical, low life loser with nothing better to do than hate on zak cause he's got balls and women and you don't. Thanks...

    1. ^^^^ Epitome of lying sack of shit... Just like the fucktard he's defending.

    2. you really are hating on Zak to an extreme that is beyond rational conception. he's just a tv personality. you're getting way too worked up. calm down

  4. This blog is hilarious!!! Especially likening the ghost in the room to someone farting in a room filled with people. OMG, I laughed out loud. There was one episode I watched where they picked up an EVP and the voice was so obviously Zak's. But, we watch anyway if for no other reason than to laugh at it. Very humerous blog. Thanks for posting it!!

    1. Yeah Stevie, yeah yeah yeah! Dig.

      Zak also likes to blame the weather on ghosts. Whenever a storm strikes before an investigation, he draws a thin line between the weather and the ghosts, pondering the question: Could it be that the ghosts are warning us of an impending doom?

      Nope Zak, it's just raining man. . . and you're standing out in the middle of the street during a flash flood warning. . .

    2. hahahahahahaa! You have such a great sense of humor. Love it!!

  5. This blog is what the title of this site suggests: infinitely retarded. Don't hate because some people are successful at what they do.

    1. Don't hate because some people aren't lashed to Zak's hip. Not everyone has to love Ghost Adventures you know? I actually find it quite hilarious, and used to watch it every Friday when I had cable. . .

      Don't assume you know me. Alas you do not. But I suppose to you its ok to hate, if you're the one doing the hating.

      I love you Ghost Adventure's fans, really I do. You guys come to my site a lot. Most of the time you guys get offended and lash out--I've come to expect this and don't let it bother me at all.

      Good day Beth, thanks for your insults, come back soon ya'hear?!

    2. Ur all a bunch of fuckin dumbasses with no life but to talk shit on succesful people to make up for ur own shitty existence. U probly cant pay for cable because instead of getting a job and living ur own life ud rather sit at the computer talk shit... wait for someone to respond and then feel like you have accomplished something. Fuckin loser

    3. Oh and were not getting offended we look up info on people online that we r interested in and find idiots like u.... its just so annoying that it is hard not to say anything. Douchebag.

    4. Dearest sw47407. You are obviously very educated; you believe that when people die their souls stick around on Earth, content to do nothing but watch the living. Tortured or perhaps stuck, you believe that these souls would actually engage in conversation with a fellow like Zak. I mean that’s very smart. It’s not like Zak is a total ass or anything.

      You of course, are smart enough to know I am being sarcastic. You’re smart enough to know that ‘you’ isn’t ‘u’ and ‘dumbass’ isn’t one word, nor is ‘douchebag.’ You’re smart enough to know that and you type improperly anyway. After all it’s just the internet correct? Why type properly on the internet? Ok. Well then why care what some fellow says on the internet? Why? That is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of some internet troll, or to take arms against a sea of spamming, and by opposing end it.

      You of course know that is a play off of Hamlet. Something Hamlet said. You of course are smart enough to know that Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare, and that Shakespeare is spelled with an ‘e’ on the end (most people get fouled up on that—but not you, wise old sw47407!)

      You of course know all these things—you’re quite smart after all. Much smarter than ‘us’ dumb-asses here at iR. Yep, we’re a real crowd of ignoramuses, as I’ve only further shown with this random diatribe. Forgive my idiocy. Perhaps you can direct us to your blog? I’m sure it’s filled with rather fine writing that will put ours to shame, that is if the quality of your comments are indicative of your work as a whole.

      I am again being sarcastic, and quite rude. But you have the reading comprehension to know that. After all, you are quite smart. Smart enough to see through the crude nature of a blog such as iR. You really pegged us to the wall, and as such, we’re a squirming, much like worms on a hook.

      You of course enjoyed that simile, as you are quite literary, and smart. Obviously. But now I am just repeating myself, and for that I beg your pardon. With all this said, I would just like to thank you, thank you for illuminating my dark, bleak world. How shameful for an American such as myself to live without the splendor of cable. What a horrid world we live in! The horror! The horror!

      You of course know that to be a reference to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, as you, of course, are not an idiot. And there I go again repeating myself. What a fool I am!

      I’d just like to say thank you for your comments. The fact that you got here through some search engine (most likely Google), shows me that my Google Adsense account is working after all. It also shows me that you are a big fan of Mr. Bagans, and are therefore justified in everything you say. After all, your kind is a blessed one, with quite the peacock for a prophet.


      Some idiots.

      P.S. ‘We’ apologize that ‘we’ have not been more prompt with this response, ‘we’ were out not living our lives. Thanks again for your warm kindness and understanding—as always.

  6. Thank you so much for this post! I was watching Ghost Adventures last night - sadly it was a choice between this dreck and Bigfoot hunters - and I forgot how irritating this guy is.

    First of all he spells his name with a "K." Second he dresses like an extra in a made-for-tv movie about Columbine Highschool. Three, he wears more gel in his hair than all of America did in the '80s.

    How does one get a job yelling at "ghosts" - which is basically all that he does - anyway? They're dead for fuckssake, leave them alone.

    I think the only other person on TV that makes me cringe as much is that other Hot Topic connoisseur, Criss Angel.

    When did become cool for 45 year old guys to dress like troubled teenagers?

    1. You’re welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading. In regards to your questions (though I’m certain they were rhetorical):

      I believe one gets a job yelling at ‘ghosts’ much the same way one gets a job claiming they can talk to the dead: by having the balls and indecency to con people right to their faces. I think the fact that he bases his work out of Las Vegas is quite telling, after all there is no greater den of inequity and utter degradation than Las Vegas.

      As for Cryss Angel, or Criss Angel, or whatever variation of ‘Chris’ he uses in an attempt to appear more mystical, I agree; he’s way too old for that get up. But then again he’s a magician. He’s too old for that sort of stuff too. Houdini may have been cool in his time, but his legacy and untimely death had detrimental effects on the youth of America; if anything he’s responsible for such horrid spawn as Cryss Angel—that and probably many beatings suffered at the hands of other, stronger, kids who pegged him (and rightly so) a total fucking weirdo.

  7. I love your post! My friends and I watch this show just to make fun of it, and it also makes for a great drinking game (drink every time Zak is a douche). I also love how they try to be scientists with their "evidence", it is really quite cute. They really need to learn about how the world has a natural magnetic field. My favorite episode is when Zak yells "I am provoking the ghosts, I am using provocation!" Thank you Zak for that one, please continue with your roid rage.

    1. A Zak Bagans drinking game? I would engage in such a thing if I didn't think drinking by itself was fun enough. Never did get drinking games. Like beer pong... The winner doesn't get to drink... A real shame, in that beer is always a prize.

  8. The Ghost Adventures video you showed that was fake was of a guest star they had invited. Even Zak said that there was no paranormal activity that sparked that. The only one who says that it was a ghost who knocked the equipment out of his hand was the guy who threw it.
    Also, you can hate ghost hunting, but don't sterotype the fans. Many of us aren't the losers you've pictured us to be, we don't do "grave-rubbings" (I don't even know what that is) and we don't dress in all black. You can hate, but DON'T insult all of us based on whatr your preception of GA fans are. And if you still do that, don't post it on the internet.
    As kind as I can be,
    Diane Belmont.

    1. You're just a teenager and you're already more sensible than the other 'adults' who have posted above. Well done young lass.

      Of course Zak threw that guy under the bus. He got caught. And so Zak made it quite clear that this man was not in any way associated with GAC. Yet the GAC hired this guy. It only illustrates that the industry is full of phoneys. The guy obviously threw it, and upon seeing it the first time I was ashamed for him. This fellow was a phoney, and please note GAC hasn't done a live show since.

      If my perception of GA fans is that they all dress in black and do grave rubbings, than isn't that my perception? Am I not allowed to have my perception of things? Sure I was generalizing. Sure it's a wrong perception. But I've seen enough fatties dressed in black on that show to make such a generalization, and besides, this blog is supposed to be in fun. GAC fans are sensitive about Ghost Adventures, this much I know. Why? I dunno. But you would think people who believe in ghosts would have more of a sense of humor.

      As for grave rubbings, they are exactly what they sound like. You take a piece of paper and put it on a grave and then rub over it with a pencil. The impressions recreate the words written on the grave stone. Weird people like doing that.

      The internet is an open medium, where people can post their opinions. If I perceive GA fans to be fatty gothic losers and post it, than that's just me posting my opinion. It's a good thing. For instance you don't agree with me, so what if I made it so you couldn't post comments? That would be frustrating right?

      With that said no one should censor themselves on the internet, less of course they are promoting total hate speech and murder and what not.

      I do however appreciate your opinion and the kind way you chose to express it. I think it shows an abundant amount of maturity in you, you should be proud of yourself.


  9. GA Fans are taking this too seriously...Zak's making a ton of money and isn't above parody.

    I like GA a lot, don't think it's faked, and thought this post was really funny.

    Best line: "...a juiced up monkey with the arms of a gorilla, the hair of a porcupine..."

  10. I'm a so called "ghost hunter" and I live in Las Vegas...even I laugh at Ghost Adventures...but come on these guys are harmless and entertaining. No need to be so cynical. BTW I'm a woman and involved in the paranormal community...Zak definitely has his doubt about hit the proverbial nail on the head. He makes dubious choices and wears too much makeup but again...he is fairly harmless. And if the chicks fall for his lines, that's their choice.

    1. Duly noted. No one is being cynical Ginger Girl. This is all in jest. Unfortunately chicks do fall for his lines I suppose.

      Thanks for reading.

  11. hell even zak makes fun of himself. he always provides such great material for mocking! anybody remember the incubus comment? yes i watch the show. i love it! these guys are over the top. it's part of the charm.

    1. 'part of the charm,' is where I disagree. Zak interrupting people and making fun of foreigners is hardly charming. I apologize, but sometimes Zak is a giant ass hat.

  12. Could you please provide your sources for Zak's background? I, in no way, intend to argue your stance on Zak or the show. I feel most of your conclusions are mostly accurate and Zak's appearance and behavior just screams insecurity i.e. his Baby GAP sized shirts and his puffed out chest. However, I am skeptical that Zak uses steroids;his physique is just too small for his frame. I have been in bodybuilding for over 10 years and I have seen amateur lifters his size obtain such a physique naturally and quite easily. Now, this is just my opinion, and if Im wrong, he must be doing something seriously wrong to be that small and using androgenic drugs.Anyway, on a side note, I had recently read that Zak started his own clothing line called "Dungeonwear".... haha! Now THAT is infinitely retarded!

    1. I just used wikipedia for the parts that are true. The parts I made up are... made up. There is nothing on the internet about him doing steroids. It was merely used to further illustrate the 'tough guy' image he is trying to facilitate.

      As for Dungeonwear... I've got to see this crap. Must look just like tap out or affliction shirts.

  13. wow you are stupid that is definitely not his life story not even nearly close. ive met him. talked to him. how about reading his biography and not making up your own crap about him. how did you come up with all this crap??? you should be a fiction writer. you must have no life if you have nothing better to do than pick out a random guy who you know nothing about, hate him, judge him, do crappy research on him, and make up a whole freaking article of ranting nonsense. what a sad life; filling your spare time with just finding someone to hate on. you must be a very angry person. whatd he do to you? step on your toes in 1st grade???

    1. Did I ever claim it to be a biography? No dear. Did you read the top: "All blogs are work of gonzo journalism and should be regarded as truth, they are but entertainment." Well apparently you did not.

      How did I come up with all this 'crap?' Well I'm a writer. I should be a fiction writer? Well I am.

      As for me having no life, if writing fiction is considered such (and in this day and age of smart phones and the idiot people who use them--it's quite possible 'skills' are considered useless now, less of course they help further these nothing devices) then yes, I have no life. Poor me. I hate myself, really I do. I hate that I can type properly, with grammar and sentence structure.

      Oh please can't you help me write like you? I wanna sound uneducated and full of life. Please?!

      IT appears you have nothing to do but go around hating on people yourself. At least I researched Zak Bagans, you did not research me--you didn't even read my blog that much is obvious. You are a hypocritical individual, you know that yes.

      But thank you for trying to make me feel bad. It really leads me to believe you are a better person than me.


      Good day.

  14. Haha half of your facts are wrong.
    1.He was born in Washington and raised in florida. Then he went to film school in Michigan..the Motion Picture Institute.
    2.He's also not married.
    3.Plus the man they get equipment from is Gary Galka and he's the top producer of the gear.
    4.Also the show was started after he made an award winning documentary at the Goldfield Hotel.
    5.He used to be a dj and moved to Vegas where he was the dj for Nick's wedding.
    6.There are people trained to pick up the EVPs since they've been doing it for years, and they sometimes have them help.They are the Constantino's.
    Everything I read on here had really no truth to it so I had to comment. :p There's more but I don't feel like wasting anymore time here.

    1. Your attempt seems too close to fiction to be considered part of that form of journalism
      and he only did weddings :p as a side job
      As for this being all fun, you had the ideas and put them on obviously anything insulting you said must be about how you really feel.thats why some fans don't like it I guess.

  15. I actually enjoys watching Ghost Adventures for the sheer hilarity of it. You can call me a mini-fan. I take anything on TV with a pinch of salt. Its still all entertainment! Why take anything so seriously?

    I think you got some facts wrong. Both Zak and Nick are creators/ producers of the show. The show came about after their award winning documentary on Goldfield Hotel. Gary Galka (whose house was featured in one of the episodes) is the electrical engineer who invented and provides the equipment for the show. He invented the MEL meter, named after his dead daughter. Sale of equipments don't go to Zak (or not entirely).

    I think the reason why people like to pick on Zak is because he acts all alpha-male when he is certainly is not - he screams like a girl, afraid of heights, snakes, dolls... but you know what? I think he knows this and play it up to get ratings. Its very entertaining because he don't take himself seriously. I don't think any of the GAC crew does (unlike TAPS). They are just a bunch of curious boys hunting ghosts.

    I am not defending them, but I think people need to realise that it all show business. Wearing black for example, just like any magicians e.g. Chris Angel is just the image and image sells.

    However, I think people watch the show because it is so funny and entertaining, not really because its scary. Zak and Nick having been to film school would know this. They are just playing up to the masses.

    1. This is just entertainment too.

      Thanks for reading.

  16. So freaking hilarious! My husband and I watch the show every week ...we find Zak's dramatics to be quite entertaining and love when Aaron drops his mouth wide open into a huge "O" of fright and surprise! Your blog made me laugh so hard I nearly peed my pants and I am a GA fan! People need to lighten up ...I bet even Zak would crack up if he read your blog! "He'd make ghosts tap, bitch." ...Love it!

    1. Thanks for reading, Lis, glad you enjoyed it!

  17. Umm.. I'd promised myself i'd not dignify this so-so blog with a response, but i thought let me have my say too, because as you say, it's a free country and there's every right to put your point across, as you have so blatantly done.
    So,yeah, i have a few bones to pick with you.
    I agree with one of the bloggers, that Zak Bagans stamped on your foot in 1st grade, that's why you are venting out your grudge on him this way.
    (Err.. Notice how I'm being grammatically correct and even punctuations are proper; as i do not want you to pick on that like you did with the others when you didn't have a fair point to make!)
    You say this is journalism and writing up his biography isn't upon you and that nearly nothing you wrote on him is factual. I get that! But, might I make a suggestion? Why not write a hate mail to him instead? Serves your purpose and also gives him a few laughs. Because he, unlike you, can take a joke and not be all hurtful and offensive.
    But in regard to your so-called "blog", might I suggest you don't make up bullshit on famous people if you want to get somewhere, because if they find time on their hands, they might want to end your bullshit and sue you! Just a pointer in the literary world to say you cannot write whatever the hell you want.
    Coming to the way they go about finding evidence,I think you wouldn't dare stepping into one of these places for fear of pooping your pants out of fear. Give them some credit, that they do it anyway what with the genuine horror stories surrounding the place, regardless of whether they fabricate their evidence presented or not. You on the other hand, I can very well sense your cowardice.
    About trashing Zak and his name, and him being on steroids, you must have a lot of time on your hands. Stop living in the basement so much and move out of your mom's home dude!
    Yes, he spells Zak with a K, umm.. I thought Phoebe from F.R.I.E.N.D.S once renamed herself as Valerie. To each his own.
    Steroids and his body? I smell something burning.(Yeah, i referred to you jealousy, because you are braindead to get my sarcasm)
    I would've had more respect for you if you'd just bashed his show, and not him for his looks and girls. Clearly shows you envy him as you cant get with women and you look pathetic.
    Go back into the caves, you moron!
    Sorry, you Infinitely Retarded Blogger!

    1. Very well said Veruca_violet! And another thing to the brain dead blogger..Zak Bagans isn't married. And if the blogger has any physical evidence that Zak is on steroids, I'd like to see.

    2. Lulz. Get over it. This was written 2 years ago. Zak has not, and probably will never read this. Why are you defending him? Get a life. For realzies.

      You aware of fiction? Of comedic fiction? Yeah... that's what you just read. Sorry you can't take a joke, fuckstick.

  18. The knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing masses continue to validate their infinite retardation. It's exhausting. I dont believe that you owe anyone the explanation of your artice being an entertaining jape. If the reader can not gather that through their own reading and comprehension then they have already missed out. Can't make water run uphill, can't make the pudding heads maintain cranial structure. Thank you for your article, I found it very entertaining

    1. Ahhh... A refreshing change from the tragic retardation I have had to endure. Thanks.

  19. LOL, this post made me laugh so much. thanks!

  20. I record Ghost Adventures on DVR and watch the episodes as often as I can. I suppose you could call me a fan. I'm not a believer, but the show is pure entertainment. I suppose it is easy for me to sit in my living room and giggle at Zak and Nick trying to be serious while Aaron just follows along clumsily and provides slapstick comedy. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the show is worth watching a few times at least. The clothes, hair and theatrics are totally ridiculous. They are. Anyone who defends that must have a closet full of affliction & a very flammable bathroom cabinet. Who am I to judge? I'm human, that's who. So get over it. I'm sick of people whining about folks being judgy. It is what it is so learn to deal. There is not a soul alive who can claim they have never judged another person before. I don't buy it.

    I just wanted to add, my all time favorite episode of Ghost Adventures is when they go to Old Town San Diego and Zak takes a few shots of root beer, I imagine and proceeds to speak English with a Mexican accent. LOL. That cracked me up. Good for GAC and Travel Chanel. It's a cash crop and somebody's making a living off it. Hooray for them. I'll just sit on my couch and continue to laugh at all the douchery. Yeah, I made it up. Get over it.

  21. Yo, read your blog. You got some great skills, i just hope you don't waste it in articles like this. Yea, this is funny, in a way, but it also hurts someone else's feelings. Just be more optimistic sometimes and look at the good things in people (Zak to be specific). You are talented. Dont waste it.


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