All blogs are works of gonzo journalism and should not be regarded as truth; they are but entertainment.

iR Mini Dictionary

The underlying purpose of all blogs is to expose retardation and its variations.  The definitions of these variations can be found here, for the benefit of a more cognizant study.

Ageless Retardation n. - retardation which strikes persons of all ages, or retardation which has stood the test of time, and has become as much a part of America's beauty and awesomeness as apple pie.  As historic as baseball, as prevalent as the hot dog.  Victims of ageless retardation are said to be "agelessly retarded."  Ageless Retardation can also be an example of Infinite Retardation.

Blind Retardation n. - retardation which strikes a person of normal intelligence, where upon becoming retarded, said person is ignorant of their retardation, or choose not to see their actions as being retarded.  Said victims are "blindly retarded."

Classic Retardation n. - Retardation first practiced decades ago, and carried on by word of mouth, and practiced from generation to generation.  Or simply a piece of historic retardation

Cloned Retardation n. - simply put, retardation resulting from cloning, or retards who attempt to mimic other retards and their various forms of retardation.

Complete Retardation n. - retardation which results from two or more retardations.  Victims exhibit traits found in other retardations including: epic retardation, infinite retardation, and genetic retardation.  Said victims are "completely retarded."

Curse Retardation n. - retardation resulting from a local curse or superstition.  Said curse can result from a person, living or dead, a change in team location/name, a bad trade, an inanimate object, or a certain even in the team's history.  (baseball).

Dangerous Retardation n . - retardation in an individual or group of individuals that is capable of causing great harm to non-retarded individuals.  They are simply too unpredictable, and/or naturally addicted to causing/feeling pain.  Said victims are "dangerously retarded."

Epic Retardation n. - a moment of retardation so great, it defies all other types of retardation, and should be regarded as wonderful material for personal epic lulz.  Said victims are "epically retarded."

Finite Retardation n. - retardation in an individual that is not constant and eventually ends.  Although this retardation may span a longer period of time, it does indeed have a starting point and an ending point, quite unlike infinite retardation which is perpetual.  Victims of this retardation are said to be "finitely retarded."

Forgotten Retard n. - retards you forgot about, the kind that are sometimes brought up randomly out of the blue in conversation and make you say, "Oh yeah, what a retard."

Genetic Retardation n. - retardation which is shared by blood and/or genes.  Victims are said to be "genetically retarded."

Godly Retardation n. - similar to epic retardation, godly retardation is a moment or act of retardation of great proportions, it differs however in that said retardation seems to defy the laws of man, and seems to be impossible to reenact by anyone but a god, a retarded one.

Hopeful Retardation n. - A normally intelligent person who engages in retardation.  The victim realizes they are being retarded, but continues in retarded activities in hope of it turning out to be an intelligent endeavor.

Hopeless Retardation n. - Hopeless Retardation always follows infinite retardation.  Said retard partakes in retardation so much that there is no hope of saving them, they are "hopelessly retarded."

Inspiration Retardation n. - retardation which adheres to all the general abnormalities, but differs in that it may actually inspire others, whether they are retarded, or not.  Said victims still live out a happy life, and in some cases, have actually made something of themselves.

Irreparable Retardation n. - retardation which strikes a victim with such veracity that it can never be remedied, even by the finest minds the medical world has to offer.  Victims of such retardation are said to be "irreparably retarded."

Legal Retardation n. - retardation which is legally verified by the state or a board of scientific experts.  Said victims are "legally retarded."

Pathetic Retardation n. - retardation which like sad retardation brings no personal lulz, but differs in that said retardation actually produces a bit of sadness in non-retards.  Victims are said to be "pathetically retarded."

Regal Retardation n. - retardation in an individual that is so great, that they could be easily declared retard royalty.  They are to be treated as such, and are probably heroes to many retards through the country.  Their blood is pure, their ancestors have all been retards, and have probably bred within the family for the very sake of preserving their retardation.  Said victims are "regally retarded."

Shameless Retardation n. - retardation without shame.  Victims exercise their retardation without any remorse, and often seek to spread it, like a plague throughout society.  Said victims are "shamelessly retarded."

Tragic Retardation n. - retardation so great, that the observer can feel only sorrow for the people stricken with this horrible disease.  Victims of this retardation are said to be "tragically retarded."

Unimaginative Retardation n. - retardation we have all seen before, and therefore retardation which produces no personal lulz.  Or a typical retard carrying all the usual traits of retardation, such as drooling and incoherent speech.  Said individuals are "unimaginatively retarded."

Vain Retardation n. - A rare form of retardation, where said retard actually takes pride in their retardation, regarding it with a strange respect and adoration.  Said retards are "vainly retarded."

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